Self-defense for every body

Safe Together workshops provide a safe and inclusive environment as you discover how to make effective self-defense techniques work naturally with your body. Students learn how to use biomechanics, leverage, and knowledge of human anatomy to protect themselves—regardless of body attributes, athleticism, and strength.

Workshops are centered on the 2SLGBTQIA+ community but all are welcome. No prior skill or experience is required.

  • About the instructor

    Holly Ng Forrette has been an instructor at River City Warrior since 2015, teaching Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Kali to kids and adults, expanding to online teaching in 2020. She’s been studying Inosanto Kali/JKD for over 13 years and Gracie Jiu-Jitsu for nearly 9 years, currently holding the rank of purple belt under the Pedro Sauer Association. She’s a trauma-informed instructor and has successfully completed Gracie University’s Women Empowered Program. As an uncoordinated non-athlete for most of her life, Holly’s superpower and passion are showing people what their bodies are already capable of and breaking down techniques in an engaging and encouraging way for everyone. Her mission is to equip her students with the knowledge and self-confidence to be more themselves and go wherever they want to.

  • Attend a workshop

    Holly hosts monthly Safe Together workshops throughout the year, covering self-defense mentality and key ideas for personal safety. Dress for movement and bring your questions, curiosity, and water.

    For the safety of the participants, we are requiring all participants to be masked during workshops, regardless of vaccination status. We will have opportunities for mask breaks as needed.